I absolutely loved having matching channukah pajamas for the kids last year. It took us taking about 200 to get one photo of them both semi looking in the direction of the camera. Especially since we all couldn’t stop hysterically laughing. I was so obsessed that I actually bought the same exact ones in their current sizes again from pottery barn kids. I also got one for my sister’s new baby.

I absolutely adore these pajamas!!
Over the last few years, aka, since Laila was born, I have accumulated a few channukah themed pajamas for each of kid. They wear them all year and I just rotate the ones that Laila outgrows down to Ian. Why not be reminded of the miracles of channukah all year round?! We have certainly needed to remember that miracles do happen.... as we continue praying for some big ones every day. May all the brightness that comes from seeing out kids in their pajamas as they light their own candles this year, help bring our family out from the darkness and instead back home into the light of their family's arms. It is time for them all to come home.
New photo and the kids in thus years pajamas coming soon!
Happy Channukah!!!!
Shana Bryn