One thing about moving to a state where you have little family, you learn to make a family from friends. Last year, when Ian was two months old, we hosted friendsgiving at out home. Nine years ago, we had a friendsgiving at a friends house, and today, that same group of friends has grown in friendships and children. Instead of hosting it on Thanksgiving, we tend to do the Sunday after.
The first rule of friendsgiving is making it a pot luck. Cody likes to make the turkey and I make the desserts. Each family brings 1-3 dishes and we do our best to accommodate allergies and kid preferences.
Other than the food and setting the table, I find the best part of friendsgiving is putting together activities or the kids. Our tables that Cody built for Laila's first birthday have been used a lot more than I ever expected. The playroom gets taken apart into pieces, and eventually a movie gets turned on, but having a handful of crafts set out has been so helpful. It gives us adults a good stretch of time to sit and eat. It is a little different than the regular playdates since there are so new things to do. It also gives something for the slightly older kids to really focus on and feel that they were thought about.
From our family to yours, we wish you and your loved ones a meaningful thanksgiving weekend.

Activities for Kids: