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Channukiot 2022

The high holidays just ended a few weeks ago. Who is ready to think about Hanukkah? Not me, but also, me! Hanukkah was never a big deal for our family growing up. But we did mate latkahs, lit the candles every night, and sang ma'otzor while dancing in a circle. And there were presents. I'm going to assume my parents would say there were lots of presents when we were little.

Now that Laila is getting older, I want to find ways to make it fun and memorable for her. I have a very distinct memory of my parent's channukiah. It was/is silver looking with little gold tips for the candles. When I left for graduate school, I brought my grandparents' iron channukia with me. It has turned green over time (or maybe always was, I have no idea). The placeholders for the candles are mini oil cans and there are semicircle olive branches in the back.

My favorite night to light is on shabbat, especially when it's one of the nights with all or almost all eight (nine) candles lit. I still love the photos of Laila lighting with me from last year. We did a zoom channukah with our family while Laila opened some presents and then we lit together.

One day I will pass down the channukiah that I use, but before then, once she is a little older, she will have her own to light right next to mine. In the meantime, there is no harm in looking around and shopping for one for her.

Here are some favorites that I found for this year.

Shana Bryn


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