Wearing a mask has been a part of my life for the past seven years. One of the first things my mom bought for me when I was diagnosed with an autoimmune illness was a face masks. She knew something that I didn't know yet... Masks save lives! Hand in hand with an autoimmune illness is a compromised immune system, which means, what is a mild cold to the average person will put me in bed for weeks and high risk for pneumonia (I learned that the hard way).

Since then, I have almost always worn it when I fly. I noticed a trend after that. If I had the mask on, people chose not to sit next to me on the plane (I most often fly southwest). I assumed, and still do, that people avoided sitting near me thinking that I was the one that was sick! Yes, I am technically sick, but you can't catch an autoimmune illness. However, I can easily catch whatever you have! I always thought my interaction with other passengers was fascinating, but it also made me really embarrassed. I worried people judged me. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't, but that wasn't the point. I had to change my perspective. I wasn't wearing it for them. It took me a few years to develop self-esteem and confidence in wearing one on a plane.
Regardless, I appreciated when someone didn't sit next to me, despite their reason why because I knew I was safer that way. However, now I am so happy that many other people are wearing masks, especially in close quarters. Their actions are keeping me and other people like me not only safe and healthy, but they are also showing me that they value our friendship and want me to be able to be a part of their social life.
I like to believe that there is at least some positive changes that are coming from this pandemic, and that one valuable one is our efforts as individuals and a society to make changes in our own lives (that don't harm us) in an effort to show we care about other's and human life. Thank you so much to those who can and do wear masks and making sure those of us who are at high risk and those who can't wear a mask are kept healthy.
Seven years ago there weren't as many cute mask options. But today there are so many!! Because I wear them so often and for such long periods to time I try to purchase reusable organic facemarks with a filter pocket. I thought that specificity would narrow down availability. I was so pleasantly surprised to find so many super cute options!

The first organic reusable facemarks that I bought this year are made by Sanctuary and sold at Anthropology (I took picture of all of the ones that I have from them at the beginning of this post). They are super soft and comfortable. They were sold out, but I just saw some are now available!!! If you like them, I suggest ordering them soon. You can purchase them here.
There are many other options out there too, and more keep being created and sold as time passes. When picking your perfect mask, consider the shape of your own face, ears, and jaw. Some have adjustable ear loops, go around your head, or tie. My favorites are the stretchy soft ear loops with a metal nose insert because they stays on the best for me.
Organic Cotton Masks
Shana Bryn
*All product images come from designer's or seller's sites.*
*Link is on each photo for the original source.*