Long distance can work. It did for us!

After a year of living in two different states, and knowing we had at least another year to go, we decided to take our first international trip together. I was so excited to travel to Australia and New Zealand.
Summer of 2017, or I should probably say winter (for them), was the perfect time to visit his sister in Australia. So we made a two-week trip out of it, which ended up being a month long. Our travels became a month because my parents invited us to meet them in Vancouver, Canada to go on a cruise to Alaska.
Having navigated packing for a month along with three seasons (winter, summer, and spring/fall weather), off we went on a trip of a lifetime. Australia and New Zealand were even more stunning than I could have ever imagined. I didn’t think anything could top this… until we got to Vancouver.
After spending a couple of days with my family, Cody asked me to join him on a date night but wouldn't tell me any more details. Typically, there are no secrets between us, so I instantly knew of his plans.
And I was blown away!
We arrived at Sunset Beach, as the sun was setting, and I could see from afar a boat covered in flowers. As we got closer I could see my family, along with Cody’s family (a total surprise!) with signs saying, “Shana, will you marry me?”

Oh my goodness! This was really happening!
I had shared with Cody in the past that it would be really meaningful to have our family present when we got engaged, and while we were unable able to have everyone there, the fact that he listened to me and made sure to have representation from both sides was so special. He combined this with my love for the water and secretly wanting to be a mermaid for the perfect proposal.

This was also the first time our family was able to meet. Being able to see how comfortably everyone interacted with one another at dinner and brunch the next morning put me at ease. It was so clear that we have a supportive and connected expansive family.
To then have the continuation of our travels on the Alaska cruise allowed us to focus on this moment in our relationship. We could celebrate together, share in our excitement, and talk about future plans, all before going back to our separate homes/sates. This was an absolutely perfect proposal.
Three years later, we are married, living in Colorado with our fur-babies and relishing every moment and adventure we have had together.

I have loved getting to look back at this special time. I hope that you have too!
Shana Bryn
Photographer: Christine Pineear
Videographer: Life Studio Inc.
Proposal Coordinator: Luxe Proposals
Dress: Alexis