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Our Favorite Baby Items

I am so excited about all the new babies that are coming into our friends and family's lives. Because I like building websites and collecting lists of researched items, I tend to get questions about what my favorite baby items were and what are the must haves before a baby arrives. Since customarily we don't have a baby shower, there were very few things that I had purchased to have ready for when Laila would arrive. However, I did put together an online (hidden) registry to have ready to go for after!

When working on my registry, I spent so much time looking at other blogs and video reviews of what people consider the "must have" baby items. The truth is, what each person thinks are the best items will vary because we as the parents all have different likes and needs. Also, each baby is slightly different.

What we got also changed based on our environment and sittuation. We were in a two bedroom apartment when Laila was born, with three adults, a cat, and a dog. Cody also works from home so he needed an office area. We were much more limited in our space for baby things, and we realized when she was little, she didn't need much more than to be held, in a bassinet, or area for tummy time.

We happened to move into our home at the same time as her activity level started to change and our needs for her to have some more independent and contained entertainment increased as well. That is when toys and play areas started to accumulate.

She, as all babies do, grow so fast at this point. there brains are firing at rapid speed developing new skills and awareness. Making the hardest part figuring out what you need in the moment. Sometimes it felt that I would find something I thought she would love, but by the time I got around to ordering it, she had outgrown the new toy. I didn’t realize that there would be some items that were very very very shortly lived in its use. At least if feels short lived in the larger timeline. That does not at all take away from its benefits. Just added to the collection of items. Which we have used numerous times even since Laila outgrew it, for friend's babies who come over to play.

I figured I would do something a bit different than what I have seen elsewhere. Here I break down of the items that I liked most based on the stages of development and categories.

General Items

Newborn – Three Months

We ended up with way too many playmats, but also, can you ever have enough? We had one in each area of our house that we regularly used so we didn't need to drag one around.

Three Months and Beyond

These work for newborn phase too, but we didn't start using them until she was a bit older. Probably because it took me time to decide to get them. I was most uncertain about if she would like the swing, but she ended up loving it and it got so much more use than I ever expected.


Infant Motrin and Tylenol


Newborn to Six Months

Before you get to the items, my recommendation is that if you want to breastfeed or pump or both, find a good lactation consultant. I wish I had done that. It would have saved me a lot of physical pain and emotional heartache. I started to follow BeMyBreastFriend on instagram and I learned so much in the last few weeks before weaning Laila. Also, check with your insurance about purchasing your pump through them. It can save you lots of money.

And, if you decide that formula is best for you and your family, or that is the only option, Mallory, TheFormulaMom, on instagram has some of the best resources. She also has a website.

Six Months and Beyond


We kept Laila in her 4moms tub until she was fully ready to splash around on her own. We went into the tub with her a few times, but once she was sitting up fully independently we added in toys and gave her the space to move around.

Burtsbees Towels and Washcloths


For the first six months, we used the Snoo in our room for Laila’s night time sleep and let her nap in her crib or on us during the day. I had much more piece of mind knowing she was strapped into her bassinet at night, not checking on her every five minutes but instead every ten minutes. I want to be fully transparent, not every baby will love the snoo. My sweet little nephew isn't the biggest fan of it. With that, it is an investment to buy, so if you're curious, a rental option is also possible.


Newborn – 3 months

If DIY is your style, check out MotherCould on instagram. Miriam has some fantastic ideas. I found myself too overwhelmed to DIY at the start of Laila's life, but as she's gotten older, we have had a lot of fun doing some of her activities.

4 months and more

Skiphop Activity Center

I purposely did not include a car seat on this list because everyone’s needs are different. I can't make a recommendation about what is the best seat for you. I would suggest looking at the resources from Safe in the Seat for helping you find the best car seat for your family situation.

I will do a follow up post that includes more of a focus on 6 months and up. The newborn and shortly after stage is so overwhelming. Take each day one at a time. You'll learn more about yourself, your family, and your baby as you go and that will help you narrow down and identify what products are most important for you, instead of what you think you need because a friend, family member, or blogger tells you so.


Shana Bryn

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