Surprise! Cody and I had a baby! We decided to keep the pregnancy quiet and given our socially distanced life it turned out to really be a surprise for nearly everyone in our lives. But now that our baby girl is here, we are ready to share our maternity shoot photos with you all.

But first a little back story to these pictures.
As Cody and I were approaching our wedding day I had various worries. One of which was weather. With the wedding being held at the end of may in Florida we knew rain was a high probability... I mean, the year before we had a tropical storm roll through.
Yes, yes, the title of this post is about out maternity shoot, and I will get there! I promise!! Stay with me here.
The reason I bring up my fears about weather on our wedding day is because I was most concerned about being unable to have outdoor wedding photos. If it rains, no biggie, everything was planned for indoors. If we have a hurricane or tropical storm that prevents guests from flying in... lets just not go there since it didn't happen. But photos!! Those I would have been devastated to not get to take outside.
In the end, the day was beautiful and we got the photos we wanted. But... I also had a backup plan! I told myself, regardless to how the weather turned out, we were going to take photos in all four seasons in our wedding attire. This helped me feel so much less anxious about the day of photos going perfectly. And excited for an excuse to wear my dress a few more times.
With our wedding in spring, we arranged for summer photos in the Colorado wildflower fields, fall in the aspen groves (at least we tried), and then the mountains in late winter/early spring for snow! Well, quarantine knocked our snow photos out of wack and we never got to take those within our first year of being married. That is why I called up our dear friend Melanie of Melanie Knaster Photography after we got one of the last local snowstorms to get some maternity pictures. I still want those wedding dress ones in the snow, but I am happy to have our four part photo series include our baby to be.
And they came out sooo good!!! I was utterly freezing, Zoey just wanted to roll around, and Cody was sliding everywhere, but Melanie did a fantastic job and we have some great memories.
I will be sure to share the four part series at some point soon. But until then, here are our pregnancy photos!!!
