I will never get used to the idea of my little babies getting older and going to a new grade or school or new life adventure. This fall Laila and Ian are both going to day care. For the last year, nearly every day, after a couple of weeks of recovery post-delivery, Ian has gotten to play with Laila's classmates, even if he spent the first three months in a carrier/wrap. I think he became the unofficial baby to every toddler in the room.

It will be really strange leaving him there without me, but knowing how much fun he's been having, makes it easier. For us, this is what makes sense for the coming year. He kicks and waves, jumping up and down each time we walk into the school because he knows I will put him down and he can free roam with other kids and toys that we don't have at home.
I guess it is time to find him some day care supplies. And while I still love Laila's backpack, here are are few toddler girl back to school items as well. To label her water bottles I use the name bubbles.
Lunch Coolers
Lunch Boxes
Water Bottles
Shana Bryn