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Reflections on Ian's Bris

I am still overwhelmed by the love that we felt surrounding us for Ian's bris.

So much is happening during the first week of birth. To plan a Bris and entertain, all while still recovering from delivery and adjusting to life with a toddler and newborn, can be a lot. What helped, was knowing that we were loved and supported by so many people in our family and community. I was so excited for everyone to find out that we had another little one and to be able to celebrate together.

Being able to also zoom our family and friends from around the world was so incredible. We are sad though that our loved ones in Israel missed it because it was 2:30am for them. At least it was a more acceptable, although still super early, for Auntie Paige, Uncle Chris, and cousin (nephew) Cayden to join us from Australia.

I know that it was a total surprise for everyone that we had a baby boy since almost no one knew that we were expecting another baby. There were lots of confused and shocked texts to us and our parents when, out of nowhere, people got texts from paperless post that they were invited either in person or via zoom to a Bris.

As much love and excitement there was, there was an equal amount of anxiety. With having a total type A personality, it was especially hard to be living with the unknown around when would baby boy arrive with all of the Jewish holidays immediately following his due date. Generously, we had so many wonderful friends bring us food and everything we could have needed for our Rosh Hashanah stay at the hospital, and first Shabbos and Yom Kipper at home as a family. And there was also endless support and care for our daughter and fur babies. I can't imagine starting this new year off in a more connected way.

Then there is the bris itself, the day after Yom Kippur. I couldn't let it happen without doing it Shana style. My style pretty much means baking, cooking and decorating. When it came to the cooking, we are blessed that we have a fantastic local small business caterer who took care of everything. The decorations were a challenge since I didn't order anything until after we came home from the hospital, but thankfully there were a good number of options with 1-2 day delivery. The most time consuming aspect was the baking. When you don't have a kosher bakery local to Denver, that means that I was going to fill in the gap. That work started weeks in advance and into the freezer it all went.

I don't have that many photos from the day of. I intentionally stayed off of my phone the day of and I didn't carry my camera around, so I don't have many images, but I will share what I have. Honestly, that's what usually happens the day of our events, which is why I haven't posted Laila's birthday parties, but I will try and catch up on those too, to share what we have done in the past for events.

Once everyone arrived, I let things be. I think I was just so excited to be welcoming a baby boy into the family, and sharing his name, that I didn't have the common mixed feelings of a bris. I was so happy for this moment. Knowing that he was so loved and cared for the entire time put me at ease. Having his Nana bring him in, passing him to his Great Uncle Marty, Ian then went to his Great Aunt Robin, and off to Pops for his first blessing. Rabbi Lehrfield who I have now known for eleven years, held everything together. Rabbi Jacobs was there as the mohel and did a fantastic job. Ian's saba is a surgeon and he has the role as the tzandik, and made sure that everything was perfect. I watched as all of these loving men were there to guide and support Ian into our nation of people. Rabbi Lehrfield was once again holding my grandfather's kiddush cup, that my mom had gotten him in Israel, just as he had when he officiated our wedding four years before.

As Cody shared with everyone the meaning of Ian's middle name, Joseph, it felt as if the room filled with my Zaidy's presence. He is such a big reason for why I feel so connected to my Jewish identity and faith, and why we live a torah observant life. I wish he could have been there in person, but I am so happy knowing that he will carry around Zaidy's essence by sharing his name. If you want to read the speech in whole, you can find that blog post here.

And for all of you who primarily came here for the outfits. My dress is from Zimmerman and Ian's outfit is from Baby Beau and Belle.

I hope that you all have a beautiful year ahead and that you enjoy seeing some of the photos from Ian's special day.


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